10 Dec December 12th feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe
- Every December 12th, we joyfully celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe around the world.
- Goya Producciones publishes exclusive videos from its documentary film Guadalupe: Mother of Humanity on its YouTube channel.
- Get the Tilma, a replica of the Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, this December 12th at one of these 30 bookstores.
- Moreover, if you request a screening license to show Guadalupe: Mother of Humanity, we’ll send you a free family-sized Tilma.
Every December 12th, we celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Those of us who know her story experience this day in a special way, feeling very close to our Heavenly Mother. The mysteries surrounding this miraculous image remain alive today, inviting us to discover the message of Our Lady of Guadalupe..
Trailer Tilma réplica de Yute Virgen de Guadalupe
To help us pray better as a family, you can now get the Tilma replica in various sizes at over 30 bookstores across Spain or at encristiano.com. But what is a Tilma?
It is a garment worn by the indigenous people at the time of the apparition, made of very humble material and shaped like a cloak. It was precisely on the Tilma of Saint Juan Diego that the miracle of the Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe occurred.
Now, you can acquire a replica of the image as it appears today, according to its creators. The replica achieves 85% of the original color’s authenticity, along with exceptional precision and high-definition details. It is made in Mexico by Catholic families
You can find it at these bookstores and online shops:
- Encristiano.com
- Llenadegracia
- The Fishermen
- Badajoz – Librería Padre Rafael
- Barcelona – Librería Paulinas
- Barcelona – Librería Claret
- Bierzo – Librería Diocesana
- Cáceres – Librería Renacer
- Cartagena – Librería Diocesana
- Ciudad Real – Librería Kairós
- Córdoba – Librería Diocesana
- Córdoba – Librería Monte Sion
- Cuenca – Tienda de Palacio Seminario
- Granada – Librería Paulinas
- Granada – Librería Peinado
- Huelva – Librería Welba
- Logroño- Librería Ars
- Madrid – Librería Paulinas
- Madrid – Librería Carmelitana
- Madrid – Librería La Milagrosa
- Madrid – Serviclero
- Málaga – Librería Nazaret Málaga
- Murcia – Librería Diocesana
- Salamanca – Librería Ars
- Santander – Librería Diocesana
- Talavera – Librería Casa de la Iglesia
- Toledo – Librería Pastoral
- Tortosa – Distribuidora de Llibres Religiosos
- Valladolid – Librería Santuario de la Gran Promesa
Además, con motivo de la fiesta, Goya Producciones publica en su canal de Youtube vídeos exclusivos del documental y algunas escenas eliminadas. Aquí te dejamos los enlaces:
VIDEO Los símbolos de la Tilma explicados por el P. Eduardo Chávez
VIDEO Las Apariciones de la Virgen en México explicadas por el P. Eduardo Chávez
VIDEO El demonio ataca a la familia, pero la Virgen de Guadalupe es una Madre Protectora
VIDEO La Virgen no se olvida de los más humildes