Now available online and free, the complete documentary: “Die in peace: Palliative care vs Euthanasia”

Morir en Paz

The documentary that clears up misunderstandings and fears concerning palliative care is now available, completely free of charge (in Spanish), on the website:

“Die in Peace: Palliative Care vs Euthanasia” is the title of a new documentary produced by Goya Producciones in collaboration with AcdP (Catholic Association of Propagandists), Telefamilia Foundation and Cari Filii Foundation.

The documentary answers the questions whether in the final stage of life, it is possible not to suffer, not to have fears or anguish, to be accompanied, to be treated with affection, to have peace and see our last wishes fulfilled. The testimonies of doctors, nurses, psychologists, volunteers and relatives of patients show that this is not a utopia. It is a reality thanks to Palliative Care.

Based on his long experience, Dr. Marcos Gómez, affirms that almost all those who ask for euthanasia are really asking to have their pain removed and they ignore that today there are means in place that allow to eliminate suffering without eliminating the sufferer. For Dr. Alvaro Gándara palliative care is the civilized and progressive way of dealing with these situations, and society has an obligation to do so, the same way it cares for the poor or children out-of-school.

The documentary shows cases of people whose conflictive and unstructured lives have been transformed thanks to the professional and affectionate treatment of the palliative care teams, even going so far as to having resolved their personal problems and reconciled them with their old enemies or forgotten relatives.

On the official website you will also find, in addition to the documentary, a series of seven short videos with expert testimonies. The website will also offer documents and information on these topics, provided by collaborating entities. These include the Spanish Association for Bioethics and Medical Ethics (AEBI), the Latin American Association for Palliative Care (ALCP) and the Jerôme Lejeune Foundation.

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Morir en Paz: Paliativos vs Eutanasia


Title: Die in Peace: Palliative Care vs Euthanasia
Premiere in Spanish: October 2020
Genre: Documentary / Reportage
Duration: 29 minutes
Format: 16:9 HD
Country: Spain
Director: Andrés Garrigó
Original Version: Spanish
Produced by: Goya Producciones
With the collaboration of: ACdP, Fundación Cari Filii and Telefamilia Foundation.
Distributed by: Goya Producciones

poster Morir en Paz: Paliativos vs Eutanasia