Benedicto XVI, el Papa Emérito

Die in Peace

Palliative Care vs Euthanasia

“Die in Peace: Palliative Care vs Euthanasia” is the title of a new documentary produced by Goya Producciones in collaboration with AcdP (Catholic Association of Propagandists), Telefamilia Foundation and Cari Filii Foundation.

The documentary answers the questions whether in the final stage of life, it is possible not to suffer, not to have fears or anguish, to be accompanied, to be treated with affection, to have peace and see our last wishes fulfilled. The testimonies of doctors, nurses, psychologists, volunteers and relatives of patients show that this is not a utopia. It is a reality thanks to Palliative Care.


Original Title: Morir en Paz: Cuidados Paliativos vs Eutanasia
Premiere in Spanish: October 2020
Genre: Documentary / Reportage
Duration: 29 minutes
Format: 16:9 HD
Country: Spain
Director: Andrés Garrigó
Original Version: Spanish
Produced by: Goya Producciones
With the collaboration of: ACdP, Fundación Cari Filii and Telefamilia Foundation.
Distributed by: Goya Producciones