He set himself an ambitious goal: “to be a holy priest and a forger of holy priests”. Not only did he reach it, but also he went even further. He mobilized a large group of women to help them in the pursuit of holiness. He obtained from the Pope the approval as a Secular Institute under the title of Secular Servants of Jesus Christ Priest. How did he achieve it? By heroic faith and force.
This documentary narrates his inner combat, his struggle against external obstacles and his fruitful apostolate, seed of many vocations for the Church. Currently, he is on the canonization process.
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Producido por: Goya Producciones
Título Original: Pasión por el Sacerdocio. Vida del siervo de Dios Juan Sánchez H
Duración: 30 minutos
Idiomas: Español
Año: 2010